Hockey should be fun for the players, coaches and parents. In order to enable our hockey-playing children to have a positive experience, learn to play and love the game and to nurture a sense of respect for others, we offer some guidelines for coaches, parents and players:


A coach is a role model who must act with the highest moral character possible. Coaches shall always conduct themselves so as to maintain high principles and to coach with integrity and dignity. Coaches should teach the players to be modest in victory and gracious in defeat. Coaches should reinforce the self-image of each player and, as such, each coach must be positive and constructive. Players are to be encouraged with positive reinforcement. At the end of the season, we want the players to love the sport of hockey. Some additional guidelines include:

  • The top priority is the teaching of the game of hockey, not necessarily, a team's record.
  • Establish objectives for the team and players and inform them of team and individual goals early in the season.
  • Teach and practice good sportsmanship at all games and practices.
  • Referees are to be respected and supported. The coach shall neither exhibit nor tolerate any behavior from others - verbal or otherwise - that might reflect poorly on a referee.
  • Obscene language or gestures will not be tolerated.
  • Coaches are responsible for knowing, understanding and following all the rules as established by USA Hockey. It is also the coach's responsibility to make sure that all players understand the rules and their spirit. Coaches should abide by those rules in both practices and games.

Failure to uphold the Coach's Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against the coach or removal of coaching privileges at the sole discretion of the Hockey Committee.


Parents and Spectators

Emphasize the fun of the game and the team and putting forth maximum effort at all times, not wins-and-losses or number of goals/assists tallied. Parents are role models and, as such, they shall always conduct themselves so as to maintain the highest principles. Parents should teach and practice good sportsmanship at all games and practices.  Some additional guidelines include:

Players will be delivered to the rink on time and with all of their necessary equipment.

  • Players will be positively supported and encouraged. Do not coach your child. Let the players play and the coaches coach, and support both positively.
  • Parents accept the authority of the coaches and referees. At no times is it appropriate to demonstrably question the decisions and action of coaches or referees. Further, coaches and referees will be positively supported and encouraged.
  • Any concerns about how the league is run, coaches are coaching or referees are officiating should be referred to the Hockey Committee without the players being present (see “Rules of the Road”).
  • If you have a complaint resulting from a game (or practice) situation, speak with the coach on the following day without the players being present (the "24 hour rule").
  • If there is a serious problem, notify a member of the Hockey Committee on the following day without the players being present (the "24 hour rule").
  • Take time to discuss with your sons and daughters the guidelines for players that are listed below.

Failure to uphold the Parents' Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against the Parent and/or the player or removal of playing privileges from the player or spectator privileges from the parent at the sole discretion of the Hockey Committee.


The ability to participate in the hockey program at GSC is an opportunity, not a right. Players should understand that hockey is a team game and they should strive to be "team players".  As such, respect, support and encouragement of your teammates is required at all times. Hockey players shall always conduct themselves so as to maintain the highest principles and to play with integrity and dignity. Sportsmanlike conduct will be maintained at all times. All players will be modest in victory and gracious in defeat which means you will maintain respect for your opponents at all times. Additional guidelines include:

  • Players are expected to work hard to improve their skills.  Give 100% effort at each practice and game and don't be afraid to make a mistake; that’s part of learning.
  • Players are expected to be on time for practices and games. Players should arrive at the rink fully equipped. This is your responsibility, not your parents - check your equipment before leaving the house. Always wear the required equipment at all practices and games and keep your equipment well maintained.
  • Players are expected to carry their own equipment, get dressed, and at least attempt to tie their own skates with as little help as possible from parents and coaches. This is an important and on-going part of hockey and players should get used to it early.
  • Players are expected to learn the rules as established by USA Hockey.  Hockey players shall always adhere to the spirit and the letter of the rules and abide by them in both games and practices.
  • Player's actions will never deliberately jeopardize the safety and well being of opponents, teammates, officials or spectators.
  • Coaches and referees are volunteering their time for your good and should be respected. Hockey players accept the authority of the coaches and referees. At no time is it appropriate to demonstrably question the decision and action of coaches or referees.     
  • Obscene language or gestures will not be tolerated.
  • Learn from your coaches; practice hard, play smart and have fun.

Failure to uphold the Player's Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action against the player or removal of playing privileges at the sole discretion of the Hockey Committee.

All Participants

Any conduct, including abusive language and/or gestures, racially insensitive remarks, damage to property or belongings, or any other conduct that reflects poorly on you or our Club is deemed to be unacceptable and will not be tolerated.   Additionally, any conduct such as shoplifting, destruction of property, illegal consumption of drugs or alcohol, or any other illegal activity will not be tolerated. This rule applies to all coaches, players, parents, siblings and guests at all times when in or around games or practices as a member of the GSC. Also, remember that during a tournament or away game, you represent Greenwich Skating Club

The Hockey Committee will deal with unacceptable conduct at its sole discretion, imposing warnings, suspension or expulsion, as it deems appropriate.

Locker Room Policy

USA Hockey is concerned with locker room activities between minor players;

minor players and adult players;

adults being alone with individual minor players in locker rooms;

and with nonofficial or non-related adults having unsupervised access to minor participants at sanctioned team events.

It is the policy of USA Hockey and USA Hockey InLine that all Affiliates, Districts, leagues, and local hockey programs have at least one responsible adult present directly monitoring the locker room during all team events to assure that only participants, (coaches and players), approved team personnel and family members are permitted in the locker room and to supervise the conduct in the locker room.

Any individual meetings with a minor participant and a coach in a locker room shall require a responsible adult be with the coach.

Further, responsible adults must personally monitor the locker room environment at all times while participants are present and also make sure the locker room is appropriately secured during times when minor participants are on the ice.  

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